Saturday, July 28, 2007

Our Vacation

July 28, 2007 (written by Jason)

Greetings to all my peeps out in the world. So we are back in our home country of Lesotho after such an amazing, amazing time in the beautiful island nation of Mauritius. It is an amazing place that very few Americans ever get to experience because of the location. However if you ever have a chance to get to Africa and want to spend some time unwinding from that ever stressful Safari, Mauritius is the place to do it.

First off, the island is goregous. I mean seriously all you have to do to see what I am talking about is look at Google Images and type in Mauritius. The place is like something out of a story book. The green mountains jut out of the endless fields of sugarcane and end in the bluest water that I may have ever seen. Then with the beautiful environment came a hotel that felt like we were in the Taj Mahal after being at our site for nearly 8 months now. On top of all this the people of the island were nice and helpful in nearly every way. They made us feel safe and protected and above all relaxed.

But the vacation was not the only exciting thing to go on for us. As many of you know Harry Potter 7 hit the shelves on the 21st of July. I was the 5th person to purchase the book at the Mauritius Airport and I finished it in under 2 days. I won't say anything else to ruin it for those who haven't read it (unlike the NY Times), but it was a great book. Well done Ms. Rowling, well done.

Well that is pretty much it for us right now. School starts back up on the 1st of August and that will keep us pretty busy until my parents and siblings visit at the end of September. I am super excited about their coming and can't wait to see them. Keep letters and e-mails coming as we really miss all of you right now. We love you!
All the best

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