Wednesday, October 22, 2008

October 22, 2008 (written by Janeen)

Alright, so some of my friends say, "You need to blog more" so here goes.

We are in Maseru today. I didn't have classes yesterday, so we came in and took care of some things like turn in some sponsorship applications for students at my school, close our Lesotho bank accounts, and print some photos. All things on my list are just about accomplished except that I can't find pink label stickers for my library. Jason said I can just send them once I get home. We have told everyone not to send any more packages or letters because at this point we might not get them! The bank took about 3 hours because we had to wait in line for 2 1/2. That was pretty boring, but at least that is done.

We're trying to wrap everything up. Yesterday Jason had to go to town to complain at the hardware store. The contractors have stopped construction because of waiting for materials. The hardware store said they would deliver the goods yesterday. We haven't heard yet if they did. We've still got our fingers crossed that it will be finished before we leave.

I have seen the exam that my students wrote and I think it seems pretty easy. I was pleased with the questions. I believe they were prepared and think that they should have done well. SO we'll find out in January how they did. I've already given the school secretary a self-addressed, stamped envelope for them to send me a copy of the results.

That's it for now. Look forward to see you all. Only 43 more days!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Building Update #2 October 14th, 2008 (written by Jason)

Hey everyone. Just wanted to show you a little bit of what is going on at the school. It is about 3/4 of the way done with the exterior of the 2 classrooms. I have almost completed all the play equipment. All I have to do is finish the Tire Climb thingee and I will be done. I am pretty exctied that it is looking so good and going so well. Sorry I don't have the time or energy to write more. But know that I love and miss you all

Thursday, October 09, 2008

October 9, 2008 (by Janeen)

This is just a short posting to tell about a funny comment I overheard today. During lunch time I heard a male teacher say to a female student, "Hey what have you been eating? Your 'mountains' are getting bigger." So you can figure out what 'mountains' are. I couldn't help but smile. At home he could get sued for a comment like that or even lose his job. Supposedly here, the 'mountains' aren't considered sexual and only 10% of guys are aroused by breasts here (so our Peace Corps trainers told us). Anyway, just wanted to share the highlight of my day. Jason's been in Maseru so yes, I am bored.

The good news is that all my grading is done! I won't have another big stack like that ANY more. Even when they write fourth quarter exams, I'll only have half the work I've had before because I won't have form C papers to grade. Its all winding down and it feels so good.

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

October 7, 2008 (written by Janeen)

I just realized that its been a while since we've updated a blog and though I don't really have much interesting to say... I know I'll hear complaints if we don't do this! :)

We are coming down to the end. This is my final week of teaching Form C classes. They write the English portion of the national exams next week Monday & Tuesday. After that I will only have 10 teaching periods per week. I have high ambitions of updating my resume, writing my Description of Service (DOS) for Peace Corps, and my site journal (something I'm supposedly supposed to have been doing all along for the volunteer who replaces me...oops). I think will all the extra free time those things will get done in no time. It feels great to almost be done. I have high hopes for my students.

We just found out that it is not likely that we will be replaced by a couple. So what will likely happen is that they will still put two volunteers in our area. They will just have separate housing. I'm sure one will be totally jealous of the other because our house has running water and electricity, but the volunteer who replaces Jason will have neither of those. Hopefully the two volunteers get along and they can have sleepovers and enjoy the electricity together!

Jason is in Maseru and schools were closed last week for independence break, so I don't have an update on the building. But, soon we'll take pictures of the progress and let you know what's happening. The walls were waist high before schools closed, so I'm sure they are just about done now.

Well I better get back to my last (for this quarter) pile of compositions. Can't wait to see you all. I'm looking forward to all the hugs we'll be getting.