Thursday, January 11, 2007

January 11, 2006

Well we have finally arrived here, swearing in day! It has been two months to the day that we arrived in country and we are swearing in about the time that we first arrived at the training center where we have lived off and on during that time. An exciting piece of news is that my fellow volunteers asked me to give the speech today at our swearing in ceremony. I will post the speech possibly some other day. But today we just want to say hello, give our NEW ADDRESS and let you know that we are good and that we love you all!! This will also be the last time for a while that we get to use the internet for the next few months. This however does not mean that we don't want those ideas for grants and stuff to stop rolling in. IN fact, this will give you all plenty of time to do your homework and find the really juicy ones that will provide long lasting sustainable aid. Ok no pressure, but really keep the ideas coming.

So our NEW ADDRESS is:

Jason and Janeen Samuelian
Tsa-Kholo High School
Tsa-Kholo 960 Lesotho

Keep those snail mail letters and stuff coming! They seriously do mean the world to us and we really enjoy writting back! We will see you later Jason and Janeen

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