Monday, November 17, 2008

November 17, 2008 (written by Janeen)

For those of you that don't have facebook and don't already know- We have sad news. Our cat died on his journey to his new home. Since we didn't have a carrier, he travelled in a box. The students also took him when we weren't there so we don't know how they "packaged" him up. He could have died from heat exhaustion, shock or even suffocation. We don't know and of course we played the “what if” game (e.g What if we had taken him to his new home, etc.) and felt guilty. But that of course only makes us feel worse. We are pretty upset about it. We had said our good byes, but we thought he'd live a bit longer. Its sad to think that the kids had to deal with burying him and of course opening up the box to find a dead cat. They also cried as they were burying him. :( The house is definitely lonely without the cat and I see him all over the house now. I guess its good that we are leaving soon. Miss you all!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That is soooo sad. He probably wore himself trying to get out of the box. At least you know where he is and what has happened to him. You might have wspent a long time wondering how he was doing once you got home. On a good note, Max is still waiting to see you. He is doing really good right now. See you soon, Mom L.