Friday, February 16, 2007

February 16, 2007(written by Jason)

Well what a week, what a week! As many of you probably read, we had previously typed long blogs that were in depth about what is going on with us and how we are coping with everything. But I think the computer gods did not want us to send that one out because; the files got the flu (virus) and had to go bye-bye. But such is life here in Lesotho. We are just very grateful to have a computer on which we can type frequently and use to play free cell and solitaire (we get very bored sometimes.).
The week it self went really well. I returned home after a weekend in the mountains hiking and camping. It really is so gorgeous here. The beauty just continues to take my breath away every time I see one of the gargantuan mountains. I also saw the most wildlife, I have seen since I have been here. It was not a lot but I saw 3 bearded vultures, 3 spring bok (deer like creatures), 2 snakes, and numerous other wildlife in various shapes and sizes. The hike itself was tiring and just as we were about to end day 1, the skies decided to pour rain on us.
In case you have never slept in a thunder storm on the side of a mountain, I don’t really recommend it for a deep nights sleep as water will most likely come through your tent and drench you, your companions, and everything that you brought with you. The weather did clear up though for the rest of our journey and it was a real delight to see this beautiful country in more detail.
Work this week went rather well as well. I was able to coach a few teachers on some simple practices and although I know it will take time, we are going to move ahead. The funny part is, is that I am writing this the morning before I am going to go to school. My schools are very far apart from each other and I have been riding my bike back and forth from them 3-4 days a week. Needless to say I am getting in pretty good shape. By the end of the two years, many of you will probably not recognize me.
Otherwise, we also had a nice treat, watching a movie last night at a friend’s house here at school. Trying to explain certain euphemisms from “Sweet Home Alabama” was a fun cultural experience. It is also bonding us together with one of my closest friends at site. We talk about everything, including politics and religion and he is a really good guy! His name is Lebaka and I am thinking about giving him the nickname Chewbaca! We will have to wait and see though.
Thanks to all of those who have been sending ideas for foundation grants and the like. It really does mean a lot to me that you are being so active in trying to help this little country! Thanks again, but don’t stop. I still need fresh ideas from all of you. To date we have had something close to 3000 visits to our site but I have only had a few responses with ideas! Lets keep them rolling in! And pass this site along if you think someone would enjoy it or wants to know what Peace Corps life is kind of like! All the love in the World!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Really appreciated the pictures.
Brought back many memories.
Hang in there. You will never forget these times. Believe me.

George Blakeslee
Hareeng School
Seforong 1977-1979