Ok So here is the background. The Peace Corps has a super extensive backround, medical, dental, vision and financial check. The process feels like that they can ween them out in the beginning that we will be all the better. I happen to agree with them, even though I think that they are hilarious in some of their rationale (according to my BMI, I am obese, but then so is Arnold Swazenegger). Anyway, back to the real point. I need some help. I have to choose a second pair of glasses so if I lose, break or destroy my first pair I have a back up. Now I would like to save my nice pair as the back up and have the Peace Corps issue pair be my primary. That is where you the reader come in. I need you to help me pick a pair. So in the comment field, leave which number and color you think I should choose. The pair with the most ammount of votes will be the pair that I choose* (*All descions are subject to final approval of my superior, my wife).
Happy Voting!

You should be nice or I will say really mean and untrue things on you MySpace Page!!
I want to know what the 'removed comment' said!
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