Saturday, July 19, 2008
We are finished fundraising!!
All the best
July 15, 2008 (written by Janeen)
Jason's shop teacher taught him this, but we both seemed to forget this important piece of advice when getting windows for his school. If there were a window box with 16 window panes, you would think that each window is the same measurement, right? WRONG! They were only similar, but different enough to where the windows Jason purchased and had cut in town were not the right size. So we have learned two things -- 1. Measure twice, cut once (we learned it the HARD way) and 2. How to cut glass (Jason is pretty darn good now!)
Anyway, things are going well. We have been busy this winter with renovations at Jason's school. As soon as I finished grading I've headed out with him every day. We've painted, cut glass, repaired windows, built a movable wall to separate classes that meet in the same building, and that is only what WE'VE done. There have been several men and women from the community helping out. At the end of last week some of the community members were around as we were finishing working for the day and they said, “This is not Phechela Primary School. This is Phechela High School!”meaning that the school looks too nice to be a primary school.
We're headed out to our vacation next week. We're going to Namibia and Botswana. I'm excited to see the sand dunes in Namibia and more wild animals. We've been on two game drive type trips and the animals are so amazing!
Once we get back, it will be time for school to start again. For me, this quarter will start strangely because the students didn't finish writing exams last quarter. They are left with at least 2 days of exams. There was a nation-wide taxi strike and they didn't want the students to get stuck here, so the administration released them early. I'm not sure if they will write exams the first day back or what. We'll see.
On a final note I just want to mention that lambs are sooooooooooo cute. I'm not sure why, but here lambs are abundant in the winter season. I don't know if people breed them at a certain time or it is just nature. I would think that they would adjust and be born in warmer months since winter can be pretty harsh here. Anyway, they are adorable and every time I see one I almost always stop to watch them for a few minutes.
I better sign off now. I am supposed to meet Jason at school to work. He had to go to town this morning for some final supplies. Its now that we are missing Home Depot and cars that will take us where we want to go whenever we want to go!
Sunday, July 06, 2008
Seriously close...
So it has been an incredible journey to get where we are today. I have been asking, begging pleading and what not. But today I am happy to announce we are almost there. This e-mail I received just the other day that informed us how close we are. Here is the e-mail in almost its entirety.
Hello Jason,
As of June 9th, I had deposited $2,000 in the bank for Pachela School (NGO). Just this week, I received $2,152 in several checks, and before that, checks for $1000, $100, $100 and $3000. I’ll try to make a deposit later this week and send a summary report to you and our Donations Committee...Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks.
John H.
FOL Treasurer
This is huge news for us and we are so excited to say that we are just $148 away from being done with the fund raising portion of the project. It is a great place to be in. I am so pumped and it has all been because of all of you back home. So if you have been waiting to make that donation, now is the time. Even if it is just 20 bucks. That will get us about 1/7th of the way there. So here is that information again.
Make checks out to Friends of Lesotho. Memo line can say something like
"Pechela-Samuelian". If the checks are already made out with a different
memo line, just have them include a brief note explaining what the checks
are for.
Mail them to our Treasurer:
c/o John Hollister
4110 Denfeld Ave.
Kensington, MD 20895
I will post some more pictures of our progress and what has been going on at the school with the remodel. It is going really well without getting into all the details of it.
So anyway, we will talk to you all later. We do love and miss you all.
All the best,